Innovation and implementation of information technologies for climate action in Francophone sub-Saharan Africa

Canadian Post-Secondary InstitutionQueen's University
International Partner Institution(s)Université de Kinshasa (République démocratique du Congo)Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Burkina Faso)Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (République démocratique du Congo)University of Nouakchott Al Aasriya (Mauritanie)
Partner CountriesBurkina Faso
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Level of StudyDoctorateResearch stays
Field of StudyVarious
Key Thematic Area(s)Artificial IntelligenceClimate ActionGovernance and AdministrationGreen and Blue EconomyHealth SciencesSTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Climate change exacerbates socio-economic vulnerabilities, increasing the urgency for solutions that benefit those most at risk. This project empowers emerging scholars and innovators, particularly women from Francophone sub-Saharan Africa, to address climate change’s impacts on food and water security, health and welfare.

Through doctoral training and research-focused mobility stays, participants will develop tangible technological solutions, supported by entrepreneurship training and a network of over 4,000 African alumni. The project prioritizes information technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, for climate adaptation applications.

Scholars will explore engineering solutions from household devices to large infrastructure projects, emphasizing women’s leadership in innovation, policy, and practice. The initiative nurtures skilled individuals to drive sustainable, locally developed solutions aligned with evolving labour market needs.

Candidate profile:

Candidates must be enrolled in one of the international partner institutions. The project is targeting more women than men. Candidates must be pursuing a master’s or PhD degree, or a post-doctoral fellow, or be faculty members at the partner university in areas related to climate change and technology

Number of scholarship positions:


Length of stay in Canada:

Doctoral program in Computer Science and Climate Change: 24 months
Research stay: 8 months

Application period:

April 2025

Selection process:

Internal recruitment only

Project Partners: