Session at Canadian Bureau for International Education’s Colloque régional du Québec et de la francophonie

BCDI 2030, QES and GSO: Innovative programs and funding opportunities to help internationalize higher education

Join us at the Canadian Bureau for International Education’s Colloque régional du Québec et de la francophonie where we will present alongside two other international scholarship programs. The session will be presented in French.

Universities Canada (UnivCan) and Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan), two national associations representing Canadian universities, colleges and institutes on the national and international stage, administer three major international scholarship programs based on projects developed through partnerships between Canadian institutions and their international counterparts. These innovative programs represent funding opportunities that can contribute to the internationalization of Canadian higher education institutions.

This session will outline the programs available to all UnivCan and CICan members: the Canadian International Development Scholarships 2030 (BCDI 2030) and the Global Skills Opportunity (GSO), funded by the Government of Canada, and the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships (QES), funded by Rideau Hall Foundation. Speakers will also present best practices for submitting proposals, followed by a question and answer period.

May 8, 2024. 3:15-4:45
HEC Montreal

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