Mobility and customized training to improve knowledge and skills in technology and the environment in Tunisia’s ISETs

Canadian Post-Secondary InstitutionCégep de Jonquière
International Partner Institution(s)Institut Supérieur des Études Technologiques de Médenine (Tunisie)Institut Supérieur des Études Technologiques de Tozeur (Tunisie)
Partner CountriesTunisia
Level of StudyCustomized Training, Mobility Stays
Key Thematic Area(s)Climate Action, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

This project aims to equip Tunisian scholars with comprehensive skills vital for success in the dynamic and growing field of renewable energy. Scholars will acquire intercultural, technical, entrepreneurial, and linguistic skills and expertise that will help them integrate and remain into the labour market.

The project offers two distinct opportunities for studies in Canada:

  • Eight (8) one-year stays tailored for scholars entering the final year of mechanical or electrical engineering programs, contingent upon the completion of the initial two years at their home institution.
  • Eighteen (18) one-month stays for learners who will receive tailored training sessions in renewable energy.

Number of scholarship positions:

Mobility stays – 8
Customized training – 18

Length of stay in Canada:

Mobility stays – 10 months
Customized training – 1 month

Project Partners: