MeSTIM – Masters in STEM

Canadian Post-Secondary InstitutionUniversité Laval
International Partner Institution(s)Institut National de Statistique et d'Économie Appliquée (Morocco)Université de Dschang (Cameroun)Université de Ségou (Mali)
Partner CountriesCameroon, Mali, Morocco
Level of StudyMasters
Key Thematic Area(s)STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

This initiative is a collaboration between Université Laval and three African partner institutions, aimed at promoting higher education and employability in scientific fields, especially for women. The project offers scholarships to students pursuing professional master’s degrees in areas that meet the needs identified by the partner institutions, including food security in Mali, agroforestry in Cameroon, and computer science, statistics, and actuarial science in Morocco.

After completing their theoretical training at Université Laval, the scholarship recipients will undertake a practical internship, write an essay, or carry out an intervention project in their affiliated country. This crucial phase is designed to facilitate their professional integration after graduation. Furthermore, throughout their studies, they will have access to personalized additional training to enhance their leadership and entrepreneurship skills, among others.

Number of scholarship positions:

Masters – 6

Length of stay in Canada:

16 months

Project Partners: