AMP Up: Building the Green Skills Economy through Electric Vehicle Technology Training in Ghana

Canadian Post-Secondary InstitutionFanshawe College
International Partner Institution(s)Sunyani Technical University
Partner CountriesGhana
Level of StudyCustomized Training
Key Thematic Area(s)Climate Action, Green and Blue Economy, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

This project aims to enhance access to high-quality higher education, promote gender equality in STEM, and stimulate the involvement of both women and men in Ghana’s green skills economy. At least 55% of scholars will be women. The curriculum, totaling 120 hours, adopts a hybrid format. Initially, a 30-hour pre-departure train-the-trainer module will be delivered through synchronous and asynchronous methods. Following this, participants will engage in 60 hours of rigorous electric vehicle training in Canada, supplemented by a subsequent 30-hour online component upon their return to Ghana, facilitating the practical application of acquired knowledge.

Number of scholarship positions:


Length of stay in Canada:

1 month

Project Partners: